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Environmental Matters

Rivervale Primary Science website hopes to raise the environmental awareness among our school community and thus inculcates in our students the love for the environment.

Foggy Forest

GREEN Message

In line with MOE’s direction to enhance the development of 21st century competencies in our Riverlites, our weekly GREEN Thursday recycling programme hopes to help to develop them in becoming concerned citizens to take an active role in bettering the lives of themselves and others around them in a GREEN way.

Starting small, our Rivelities could be encouraged to bring a small amount of recyclables each day, deposit in their classrooms and the Environment Ambassadors and/or even teachers can role-model and lead the class to bring their recyclables to the 3R corner for recycling during their Thursday recesses.

Despite having the inter-class Recycling Competition to motivate them to care for their environment, we would truly hope the GREEN way of teaching and learning could be immersed readily into their daily real-life way of living and nurture The Whole Child in Every Riverlites. Certainly, this cannot be achieved without the involvement of Not Some but Everyone’s GREEN efforts and role-modeling.

Together in collaboration, we could succeed and excel in raising the awareness on eco-living and a Zero Waste in our way of living.

Learn More

What's your ecological footprint?

Everything you do in life has an impact on the Earth. Since everything we consume comes from the Earth. An ecological footprint is a measure of how much of the Earth's resources is needed for your particular lifestyle. It calculates how many Earth's are needed to sustain the way of life that you have.



Golden Gate Park

Love and Enjoy Nature

Here are some places in Singapore where you can go for a hike and enjoy the beauty of nature!

Click on the link to visit Nparks for the many places where you can be close to nature!

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